Ecopsychology mini-conference

This will be a weekend-long summer gathering for those interested in eco-psychology from Northern and Southern Ireland – there will be informal talks, experiential sessions, and a lot of social time.

To show your interest in this event and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below  or go to this private registration of interest form [otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”tiny” icon_type=”general foundicon-heart” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue”]I AM INTERESTED[/otw_shortcode_button]

Dates will be published later.


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Please tell your family, friends, neighbours and the world via your networks and social media:

5 thoughts on “Ecopsychology mini-conference

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Hi Rachel – great – this could be as early as the Summer of 2016. We will keep you posted. The mini-conference seems set to be a winner with interest being expressed from the beginning. RB

  1. Alice McLoughlin

    A few days in Northern Ireland next summer for a mini conference or other event sounds like a nice adventure! Thank you. Alice

  2. Rachel

    I would love to attend an ecopsychology conference. I hope to do some of the other course down the line (when the final year of my degree is over in 2016). Good luck with all that you are doing. Ecopsychology and our journey into the greater self is so important and exciting.


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