This will be a weekend-long summer gathering for those interested in eco-psychology from Northern and Southern Ireland – there will be informal talks, experiential sessions, and a lot of social time.
To show your interest in this event and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below or go to this private registration of interest form [otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”tiny” icon_type=”general foundicon-heart” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue”]I AM INTERESTED[/otw_shortcode_button]
Dates will be published later.
[otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”small” icon_type=”general foundicon-star” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue” target=”_blank”]Contact Us[/otw_shortcode_button]
Please tell your family, friends, neighbours and the world via your networks and social media:
I’d be up for this. A good excuse to visit too.