Nature writing including poetry

To know fully even one field or one land is a lifetime’s experience. In the world of poetic experience it is depth that counts, not width. A gap in a hedge, a smooth rock surfacing a narrow lane, a view of a woody meadow, the stream at the junction of four small fields – these are as much as a man can fully experience.  – Patrick Kavanagh

This is a series of workshops focusing on writing from nature, the landscape, and from one’s embodied experience. The facilitators have been carefully selected so that their way of working is in keeping with the ethos and practices of Common Ground. They understand how to help others work at the interface between psyche and landscape. This will include attending to local myths and legends and to the ‘spirits’ of the landscape. Some weekends will be for experienced writers or poets and others for anyone who wants to deepen their experience of nature and give voice to what emerges.



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2 thoughts on “Nature writing including poetry

  1. Briege Mc Clean

    I am very interested in attending and supporting this venture so will put up on my FB account directly and also share with my writer friends and groups in Tyrone.
    Great work to have got this far!

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Dear Briege
      I am pleased they you have found your way to Common Ground. I am grateful for your support
      and I look forward to meeting you. Thanks for your affirmation. RB


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