
Song and music are intrinsic to any community’s expression of its sense of place.  It is sometimes the land itself that is expressing its spirit through the vocal cords of the singers and instruments of the musicians. This is very true of the people of these islands. The mountains, rivers, landscapes and seascapes are celebrated in both classical and folk music. The stories that are told in song are often told in context of place – a town or region – or have descriptions of nature that are expressed either as the backdrop to the unfolding human story or as directly informing it.

We are also looking at ways of supporting the expression of new music from the land and locality.


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4 thoughts on “Music

  1. Peter Crowe

    I’d love to join you on the land at Common Ground to sing, dance and make music with the more-than-human.
    It’d be rich and nourishing to take time to rediscover the wildness of our expressive souls; to let a dance ripple through our dancers’ bodies and an earth song sing out through in joy from the heart of singers.

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Hi Peter – look forward to welcoming you to Common Ground – to enjoy music, song and lots of rippling! RB x

  2. Naomi Watt

    Sounds like my kind of thing 🙂 Maybe it could expand into a sort of mini music/poetry/food/eco summer festival? Maybe for the solstice? It all sounds great anyway 🙂

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Hi Naomi – yes there is lots of potential to develop this aspect with outdoor space and large outbuildings. And yes we are looking at lots of ways of ‘bookending’ activities so that people travelling will travel from a distance. RB


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