Inter-faith nature

There are no unsacred places;
there are only sacred places
and desecrated places. –  Wendell Berry

The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.         – Pope Francis

An inter-faith dialogue facilitated by Paul Maiteny.

This workshop or series is designed to encourage the conversations and actions that are already happening within the various churches concerning global warming. Leaders in all the faith traditions have made Declarations on Climate Change. They also acknowledge the necessity of working together. The hope is to further this discourse by bringing key members of the Christian and other faith communities in Ireland/N. Ireland together. The conversations could include: comparing the value of nature within the sacred texts of each tradition; the reverence for nature in Celtic Christianity and Daoism; the Declarations of Assisi; the recent encyclical published by the Vatican; The Time to Act is Now, a pan-Buddhist statement by Zen teacher David Tetsuun; nature within the mystical elements of each tradition; nature in religious symbolism; what makes a place sacred; and the role of food as central to spirituality and how consumerism has distorted that role.  The overarching aim of bringing people together is to motivate new activity within faith communities. In keeping with the practices and methodology of Common Ground these conversations will be complemented by experiential outdoor activities.

Common Ground will work to complement the aims of the Northern Ireland Inter-Faith Forum and the Clogher Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group.

To show your interest in this short course and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below or go to the Registration of Interest form — dates will be published later.


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4 thoughts on “Inter-faith nature

  1. Cliodhna Mulhern

    Much of my own work is in working on these themes with faith groups… more experimental than analytical…I very much look forward to hearing more of your plans in this area..

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Hi Cliodhna – I am glad you are interested in this aspect of the project. We are in conversation with a number of groups in N.Ireland and will have an event to announce sometime soon. Best wishes. RB x


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