Growing into ecopsychology

A course to be offered over 3 weekends with Robbie Breadon

This workshop will introduce the history and theoretical background of the subject, including various developments in the UK and beyond. There will be a practical/experiential component.

This workshop series introduces participants to the diversity of what is currently meant by the term ecopsychology.  Ecopsychologists assert that the relationship between humans and nature is definitive of human psychology, viewing all psychological and spiritual matters within the context of our existence within the natural world. By expanding the focus of psychology to include the relationship between humans and nature, they aim not only to develop a truer picture of human psychology but also to draw attention to the psychological dimensions of the ecological crisis.

Covering the psychological, philosophical, practical, and critical dimensions of ecopsychology, the workshop series aims to foster an appreciation of the significance of this new field. Ecopsychology has gained popularity in the form of “ecotherapy.” This includes wilderness therapy, nature-inclusive psychotherapy, group practices to help face “eco-anxiety” and “eco-despair,” and other nature-connecting activities. Beyond such practice, however, a number of thinkers have developed eco-centric psychological theories that fundamentally reconceptualise humans, nature, and psyche. Ecopsychology has, moreover, been envisioned as an ecologically transformed and explicitly political psychology that is dedicated to creating the subjective conditions for an ecological society.

Ecopsychology is a whole-person response to the ecological crisis rather than a strictly intellectual or managerial one. As a participant you are therefore expected to engage in personal explorations including a lot of time outdoors in a variety of practices.

Specific learning outcomes intended for the course include the following:

  • a good introductory knowledge of the range of thought and activity associated with ecopsychology, including a familiarity with the main figures to have developed the field to date;
  • an ability to situate ecopsychology relative to conventional psychological approaches, including specific philosophical, methodological, and political differences;
  • a familiarity with the experiential practices of ecopsychology, gained in part via first-hand experience.

The course will include three 2-day weekends residential at the farm with a month between each visit allowing time for reading, personal experiential process and journaling.

To show your interest in this event and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below  or go to this private registration of interest form [otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”tiny” icon_type=”general foundicon-heart” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue”]I AM INTERESTED[/otw_shortcode_button]

Dates will be published later.


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Please tell your family, friends, neighbours and the world via your networks and social media:

3 thoughts on “Growing into ecopsychology

  1. Margareta Nobell

    I am interested but live in Sweden so wether I could really make it depends a lot of how the dates fall on my schedule…
    Looking forward to hear more about this and other events!

    All the best!

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Dear Margareta
      I take it as a compliment that you would be willing to do the course from Sweden. We will keep you posted about dates.
      We are offering packages of combined/consecutive experiences for those who travel from afar – i.e. you could combine a weekend workshop with an individual retreat. Best wishes. RB


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