
These will be an opportunity for poetry and story to be spoken and heard at Common Ground. This will include supporting those who have found their voice here on a workshop or retreat in being heard. Visiting authors and poets will also have the opportunity to speak into this landscape.

We made a start with this work during the spring of 2017 with a collaboration between the Ulster Wildlife project Magnificent Meadows and the Fermanagh Writers Group. A group of poets spent an evening on the farm to be inspired by the place and the land. They returned to participate in an event called Meadow Musings when they read their poems at specific points out on the land that inspired their poem.

You can read the poems for yourself here:

Poems – Meadow Musings

The readings were followed by a brief writing workshop in the barn.


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4 thoughts on “Readings

  1. Bernie Kirrane

    I love poetry readings – there’s nothing like hearing the writer speak his/her own words.Many good poets here in Omagh.

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Dear Bernie – I share you passion for live poetry events. I’m looking forward to meeting other poets and hearing the poetry both at Common Ground and other venues. I look forward to meeting you. RB

  2. Liz Darcy Jones

    I echo Helen’s offer. It would indeed be an honour to brew tea and share poetry (and may be a song too) at an event in the future.

    This is a poetic site in every way and I applaud you. Look forward to supporting in the future.

  3. Helen Harrison

    I would be honoured and delighted to be a reader here if the opportunity arises.
    Either way; I wish you the very best with your project, and will definitely visit again.

    Best Wishes,



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