Ecopsychology taster day


Robbie Breadon

This is an introductory day for those who are completely new to the field of ecopsychology.  Our aim is to offer a brief overview of the history of the subject, including the key pioneers, theoretical perspectives and practical applications, e.g. wilderness therapy. The day will include some personal sharing and and time learning directly from nature. Weather permitting the whole day may be spent outdoors.

To show your interest in this event and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below  or go to this private registration of interest form [otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”tiny” icon_type=”general foundicon-heart” icon_position=”left” shape=”round” color_class=”otw-blue”]I AM INTERESTED[/otw_shortcode_button]

Dates will be published later.


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Please tell your family, friends, neighbours and the world via your networks and social media:

4 thoughts on “Ecopsychology taster day

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Dear Rise – I an very pleased that you are interested – this work is going to be increasingly important. I am excited to introduce new people to it. RB

  1. Stella

    I am interested in this taster day, and would love to know more about this including price and location etc..
    It sounds great!

    1. commongroundni Post author

      Hi Stella – I am glad you are interested. This work is so important at this pivotal time. It will be happening at the farm in Co Fermanagh. We will have a better idea of dates in January. RB


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