Mental health support in the rural community

This is a support group for the local farming community. It is well known that there is a lot of stress, depression and grief among the rural population.  This is increasingly being picked up on in the media and by politicians – coverage stimulated in part by a spate of suicides in the Fermanagh area.

It is also well known that there is a lot of isolation and stoic behaviour in rural people. Those who are lucky find places to talk about the struggles they are enduring, but even then the conversations are restricted by social norms. People like to move conversation away from the discomfort and onto some other topic or dismiss the effect of what is being said; others use alcohol or medication to numb themselves.  The endgame is that the the individual is never really heard and there is no comfort in the exchange.

This is a group where there is a therapist/facilitator so that the social function of the group is complemented by holding the space for deep sharing and for a compassionate response from the group members. It is not a therapy group yet it will be therapeutic for participants.

To show your interest in this low-cost group and make it happen for yourself and/or others please either comment below or go to the Registration of Interest form – dates will be published later.

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